MWM TCG Gas & Oil Engine

Best electrical and thermal efficiency in its class. All gas types: natural gas, biogas, mine gas, landfill gas, sewage gas.MWM’s (Caterpillar Owned) product portfolio comprised of gas gensets in the output range from 400 kW to 4,500 kW. Their design for maximum electrical and thermal efficiency, low operating and service costs and high reliability and availability makes them stand apart from their competitors. MWM’s installation in Indonesia has reached approximately 450 MW, spread across the country.Best electrical and thermal efficiency in its output class. Runs on all gas types. Best electrical and thermal efficiency in its class. All gas types: natural gas, biogas, mine gas, landfill gas, sewage gas. EVE has been providing MWM Engines for it’s customers all around the world with the fınest quality. EVE has a unique touch on the subjects that focused on.